/** * BBTimeline * @version v0.1.0.076 (2023/09/30 1432) */ class BBTimeline { constructor(el) { const a = this; a.Container = document.getElementById(el); a.DateParsePattern = "yyyy-MM-dd"; a.Debug = false; a.Padding = { Left: 20, Top: 20, Right: 20, Bottom: 0 }; a.Size = { W: a.Container.innerWidth || a.Container.clientWidth, H: a.Container.innerHeight || a.Container.clientHeight }; a.ctx = a.Container.getContext("2d"); a.ctx.canvas.width = a.Size.W; a.ctx.canvas.height = a.Size.H; a.Axis = { LineColour1: "#CFCFCF", LineWidth: 1, Font: "8pt Arial", LabelColour: "#000000", LabelSpacing: 6, X: { NoPartPerDay: 4, HourLineSpace: 6, HourLineHeight: 10, HourLineColour: "#A6A6A6", DayLineHeight: 20, DayLineColour: "#282828" } }; a.Marker = { BorderColour: "#3A5D9C", BorderWidth: 2, BackColour: "#D4DEEF", Width: 10, ForeColour: "#3A5D9C", Font: "9pt Arial", LabelCollisionMargin: 4 }; a.HighlightLine = { Colour: "#A6A6A6", Width: 1, }; a.Events = []; a.StartDate = a.DateToString(new Date(), a.DateParsePattern); a.ShowDate = a.StartDate; a.GraphRectangle = a.calcGraphRectangle(); a.Enabled = false; a.initialiseComponents(); } AddEvent(date, label, options) { const a = this; const _options = Object.assign(a.GenerateEventItem(), options); let event = a.FindEvent(date); if (event == null) { a.Events.push(a.GenerateEvent(date)); event = a.FindEvent(date); } if (label != null) { event.Label = label; } event.Events.push(_options); } CalcEndDate() { const a = this; const calcdays = Math.floor(a.GraphRectangle.W / (a.Axis.X.NoPartPerDay * a.Axis.X.HourLineSpace)); let date = a.ConvertToDate(a.ShowDate); date.setDate(date.getDate() + calcdays); // Minus one for lead up date.setDate(date.getDate() - 1); return a.DateToString(date, a.DateParsePattern); } Clear() { const a = this; a.ctx.clearRect(0, 0, a.ctx.canvas.width, a.ctx.canvas.height); a.StartDate = a.DateToString(new Date(), a.DateParsePattern); a.ShowDate = a.StartDate; a.Enabled = false; a.Events = []; } DeleteMarker(date) { const a = this; for (let i=0; i= e.X) && (x <= e.X2) && (y >= e.Y) && (y <= e.Y2)){ return a.Events[i]; } } return null; } Load(startDate) { const a = this; a.StartDate = startDate; a.Show(startDate); } Show(date) { const a = this; if (a.ConvertToDate(date) < a.ConvertToDate(a.StartDate)) { date = a.StartDate; } a.ShowDate = date; a.Enabled = true; a.Invalidate(true, true); } ShowNext() { const a = this; let date = a.ConvertToDate(a.ShowDate); date.setMonth(date.getMonth() + 1); a.Show(a.DateToString(date, a.DateParsePattern)); } ShowPrevious() { const a = this; let date = a.ConvertToDate(a.ShowDate); date.setMonth(date.getMonth() - 1); a.Show(a.DateToString(date, a.DateParsePattern)); } UpdateLabel(date, label) { const a = this; let event = a.FindEvent(date); if (event == null) { return; } event.Label = label; a.Invalidate(false, true); } UpdateMarker(date, borderColour, backColour) { const a = this; let event = a.FindEvent(date); if (event == null) { return; } event.BorderColour = borderColour; event.BackColour = backColour; a.Invalidate(false, true); } initialiseComponents() { const a = this; a.ctx.canvas.addEventListener('mousedown', function (e) { if (!a.Enabled) { return; } var event = a.FindEventsByCoords(e.offsetX, e.offsetY); if (event == null) { return; } if (a.Debug) console.log(event); a.OnEventClick(this, e, event); }); } Invalidate(redrawAxis, redrawMarkers) { const a = this; if (redrawAxis) { a.ctx.clearRect(0, 0, a.ctx.canvas.width, a.ctx.canvas.height); a.drawAxis(); a.drawXAxis(); a.drawXAxisLabels(); } if (redrawMarkers) { a.clearChart(); const startPosY = (a.GraphRectangle.Y + a.Marker.Width); const visibleEvents = a.FindVisibleEvents(); if (a.Debug) console.log(visibleEvents); visibleEvents.forEach(function (e, i) { // Calculate Y position let posY = a.calcMarkerPosition(e.Position.X, startPosY); a.drawVerticalLine(e.Position.X, posY); const markerRectangle = a.drawMarker(e.Position.X, posY, e.BorderColour, e.BackColour); const labelSize = a.drawText((markerRectangle.X + markerRectangle.W + a.GraphRectangle.Margin), markerRectangle.Y, e.Label, a.Marker.Font, a.Marker.ForeColour, "left"); e.Position = { X: e.Position.X, Y: posY }; e.HitBox = { X: markerRectangle.X, Y: markerRectangle.Y, X2: (markerRectangle.X + a.GraphRectangle.Margin + labelSize.Width), Y2: (markerRectangle.Y + markerRectangle.H) }; if (a.Debug) a.drawRectangle(e.HitBox); if (a.Debug) console.log(e); }); } } GenerateEvent(date) { const a = this; return { Date: date, Label: "", Position: { X: 0, Y: 0 }, Events: [], HitBox: null, BorderColour: a.Marker.BorderColour, BackColour: a.Marker.BackColour }; } GenerateEventItem() { return { Title: "", Description: "", Link: "", Tag: null }; } DateToString(date, pattern) { let result = pattern; result = result.replace("fffffff", date.getMilliseconds().toString().padStart(7, '0')); result = result.replace("ffffff", date.getMilliseconds().toString().padStart(6, '0')); result = result.replace("fffff", date.getMilliseconds().toString().padStart(5, '0')); result = result.replace("yyyy", date.getFullYear().toString().padStart(4, '0')); result = result.replace("MMMM", "{1}"); result = result.replace("dddd", "{2}"); result = result.replace("ffff", date.getMilliseconds().toString().padStart(4, '0')); result = result.replace("yyy", date.getFullYear().toString().padStart(3, '0')); result = result.replace("MMM", "{3}"); result = result.replace("ddd", "{4}"); result = result.replace("fff", date.getMilliseconds().toString().padStart(3, '0')); result = result.replace("zzz", ""); result = result.replace("yy", date.getFullYear().toString().slice(-2)); result = result.replace("MM", (date.getMonth() + 1).toString().padStart(2, '0')); result = result.replace("dd", date.getDate().toString().padStart(2, '0')); result = result.replace("HH", date.getHours().toString().padStart(2, '0')); result = result.replace("hh", (date.getHours() > 12 ? (date.getHours() - 12) : date.getHours()).toString().padStart(2, '0')); result = result.replace("mm", date.getMinutes().toString().padStart(2, '0')); result = result.replace("ss", date.getSeconds().toString().padStart(2, '0')); result = result.replace("ff", date.getMilliseconds().toString().padStart(2, '0')); result = result.replace("tt", "{5}"); result = result.replace("zz", ""); result = result.replace("y", date.getFullYear().toString()); result = result.replace("M", (date.getMonth() + 1).toString()); result = result.replace("d", date.getDate().toString()); result = result.replace("H", date.getHours().toString()); result = result.replace("h", (date.getHours() > 12 ? (date.getHours() - 12) : date.getHours()).toString()); result = result.replace("m", date.getMinutes().toString()); result = result.replace("s", date.getSeconds().toString()); result = result.replace("z", ""); result = result.replace("t", "{6}"); result = result.replace("Z", ""); result = result.replace("{1}", date.toLocaleString('default', { month: 'long' })); result = result.replace("{2}", date.toLocaleString('default', { weekday: 'long' })); result = result.replace("{3}", date.toLocaleString('default', { month: 'short' })); result = result.replace("{4}", date.toLocaleString('default', { weekday: 'short' })); result = result.replace("{5}", (date.getHours() >= 12 ? "PM" : "AM")); result = result.replace("{6}", (date.getHours() >= 12 ? "P" : "A")); return result; } OnEventClick(sender, e, event) { } calcGraphRectangle() { const a = this; const xAxisHeight = a.calcXAxisHeight(); let result = { X: a.Padding.Left, Y: a.Padding.Top, W: (a.Size.W - (a.Padding.Left + a.Padding.Right)), H: (a.Size.H - (a.Padding.Top + a.Padding.Bottom) - xAxisHeight), Margin: (a.Marker.BorderWidth * 2) }; result.StepHeight = a.Marker.Width + result.Margin; result.NoStep = Math.floor(result.H / result.StepHeight); return result; } calcXAxisHeight() { const a = this; const labelSize = a.measureText(a.Axis.Font, "0"); const result = labelSize.Height + a.Axis.LabelSpacing + (a.Axis.X.DayLineHeight * 2); return result; } calcMarkerPosition(x, y) { const a = this; // Calculate Y position let hasMoved = false; let posY = y; for (let i=0; i= endPosX) { break; } a.ctx.beginPath(); a.ctx.moveTo(startPosX, posY); if ((i % a.Axis.X.NoPartPerDay) == 0) { a.ctx.lineTo(startPosX, (posY + a.Axis.X.DayLineHeight)); a.ctx.strokeStyle = a.Axis.X.DayLineColour; } else { a.ctx.lineTo(startPosX, (posY + a.Axis.X.HourLineHeight)); a.ctx.strokeStyle = a.Axis.X.HourLineColour; } a.ctx.lineWidth = a.Axis.LineWidth; a.ctx.stroke(); startPosX += a.Axis.X.HourLineSpace; i++; } } drawXAxisLabels() { const a = this; const result = a.getXAxis(); const posY = (a.GraphRectangle.Y + a.GraphRectangle.H) + a.Axis.LineWidth; result.forEach(function(e, i) { const date = a.ConvertToDate(e.Date); let writeLabel = false; if ((i == 0)) { // Don't label first entry if too close to the next month if (date.getDate() < 25) { writeLabel = true; } } else if (date.getDate() == 1) { writeLabel = true; } // if (i == 0) { // return; // } const labelSize = a.drawText(e.X, (posY + a.Axis.X.DayLineHeight), a.DateToString(date, "dd"), a.Axis.Font, a.Axis.LabelColour, "center"); // Write month on first of the month if (writeLabel) { a.drawText(e.X, (posY + a.Axis.X.DayLineHeight + labelSize.Height + a.Axis.LabelSpacing), a.DateToString(date, "MMMM yyyy"), a.Axis.Font, a.Axis.LabelColour, "left"); } }); } drawMarker(x, y, borderColour, backColour) { const a = this; const width = a.Marker.Width - (a.Marker.BorderWidth * 2); a.ctx.beginPath(); a.ctx.arc(x, y, width, 0, 2 * Math.PI, false); a.ctx.fillStyle = backColour; a.ctx.fill(); a.ctx.lineWidth = a.Marker.BorderWidth; a.ctx.strokeStyle = borderColour; a.ctx.stroke(); return a.measureMarker(x, y); } drawText(x, y, label, font, foreColour, align) { const a = this; a.ctx.font = font; a.ctx.fillStyle = foreColour; const size = a.measureText(font, label); switch (align) { case "center": x = (x - size.OffsetLeft); break; case "right": x = (x - size.Width); break; case "left": default: // do nothing break; } a.ctx.fillText(label, x, (y + size.Height)); return size; } drawRectangle(coords) { const a = this; a.ctx.beginPath(); a.ctx.rect(coords.X, coords.Y, (coords.X2 - coords.X), (coords.Y2 - coords.Y)); //a.ctx.fillStyle = 'yellow'; //a.ctx.fill(); a.ctx.lineWidth = 1; a.ctx.strokeStyle = 'red'; a.ctx.stroke(); } drawVerticalLine(x, y) { const a = this; const linePosY = (a.GraphRectangle.Y + a.GraphRectangle.H); if (y <= 0) { y = (a.GraphRectangle.Y + a.HighlightLine.Width); } a.ctx.beginPath(); a.ctx.moveTo(x, y); a.ctx.lineTo(x, (linePosY - a.HighlightLine.Width)); a.ctx.lineWidth = a.HighlightLine.Width; a.ctx.strokeStyle = a.HighlightLine.Colour; a.ctx.stroke(); } getXAxis() { const a = this; const endPosX = (a.GraphRectangle.X + a.GraphRectangle.W); let result = []; let x = a.GraphRectangle.X; let date = a.ConvertToDate(a.ShowDate); // Rollback one day date.setDate(date.getDate() - 1); while (true) { if (x >= endPosX) { break; } result.push({ Date: a.DateToString(date, a.DateParsePattern), X: x }); x += (a.Axis.X.HourLineSpace * a.Axis.X.NoPartPerDay); date.setDate(date.getDate() + 1); } return result; } half(value) { return (value / 2); } measureMarker(x, y) { const a = this; const offset = a.half(a.Marker.Width); const result = { X: x - (offset + a.Marker.BorderWidth), Y: y - (offset + a.Marker.BorderWidth), W: (a.Marker.Width + (a.Marker.BorderWidth * 2)), H: (a.Marker.Width + (a.Marker.BorderWidth * 2)) }; return result; } measureText(font, value) { const a = this; a.ctx.font = font; const size = a.ctx.measureText(value); return { Width: size.width, Height: size.fontBoundingBoxAscent, OffsetLeft: a.half(size.width), OffsetTop: a.half(size.fontBoundingBoxAscent) }; } ConvertToDate(value) { return new Date(Date.parse(value)); } }