
This commit is contained in:
Ray 2019-02-14 19:47:16 +00:00
commit 793d2347f4
4 changed files with 618 additions and 0 deletions

2016/04/ParseCSVLine.txt Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
/// <summary>
/// Parse CSV line into string array.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="line">CSV line.</param>
/// <returns>List of items in CSV.</returns>
protected string[] ParseCSVLine(string line)
string[] rv = new string[0];
int quotCount = 0;
bool ignoreNext = false;
bool hadQuot = false;
int startPos = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < line.Length; i++)
// ignore char
if (ignoreNext)
ignoreNext = false;
// ignore next char
if (line[i].Equals('\\'))
ignoreNext = true;
// push quot
if (line[i].Equals('"'))
hadQuot = true;
if (quotCount <= 0)
if (line[i].Equals(','))
if (quotCount <= 0)
string cell = line.Substring(startPos, (i - startPos));
if (hadQuot)
Array.Resize(ref rv, (rv.Length + 1));
rv[(rv.Length - 1)] = cell.Substring(1, (cell.Length - 2));
Array.Resize(ref rv, (rv.Length + 1));
rv[(rv.Length - 1)] = cell;
startPos = (i + 1);
hadQuot = false;
// last cell
if (startPos <= line.Length)
string cell = line.Substring(startPos, (line.Length - startPos));
if (hadQuot)
Array.Resize(ref rv, (rv.Length + 1));
rv[(rv.Length - 1)] = cell.Substring(1, (cell.Length - 2));
Array.Resize(ref rv, (rv.Length + 1));
rv[(rv.Length - 1)] = cell;
return rv;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
* BSHelper
* Bootstrap Helper
* @version v0.1.0.023 (2015/07/14 1157)
* BSDialog
var BSDialog = {
Create:function(id, title, url, is_big){
id = "dlg" + id;
if ($("#" + id).length <= 0) this.Add(id, title, ((is_big == undefined)? false : is_big));
$("#" + id).find(".modal-content").load(url);
$("#" + id).modal('show');
$("#" + id).on('hide.bs.modal', function(){
$("body > div[id='" + id + "']").remove();
$("body > div[class~='modal-backdrop']").remove();
Add:function(id, title, is_big){
if ($("body > div#" + id).length > 0) return;
var html = "";
html += "<div class=\"modal fade\" id=\"" + id + "\" tabindex=\"-1\" role=\"dialog\" aria-labelledby=\"" + id + "Label\" aria-hidden=\"true\">";
html += " <div class=\"modal-dialog" + ((is_big)? " modal-lg" : "") + "\">";
html += " <div class=\"modal-content\">";
html += " <div class=\"modal-header\">";
html += " <button type=\"button\" class=\"close\" data-dismiss=\"modal\" aria-hidden=\"true\">&times;</button>";
html += " <strong class=\"modal-title\" id=\"" + id + "Label\">" + title + "</strong>";
html += " </div>";
html += " <div class=\"modal-body custom-loading\"></div>";
html += " <div class=\"modal-footer\">";
html += " <button type=\"button\" class=\"btn btn-default\" data-dismiss=\"modal\">Close</button>";
html += " </div>";
html += " </div>";
html += " </div>";
html += "</div>";
Close: function (id) {
if (typeof (id) == "object")
var sender = null;
if (typeof (id.target) != "undefined")
sender = id.target;
if (typeof (id) != "undefined")
sender = id;
} while (false);
if (sender == null) return;
var panel = $(sender).parentsUntil("div[id^='dlg']").parent();
if ($(panel).length > 0)
var dialogID = $(panel).attr("id").substr(3);
} else {
if ($("body > div#dlg" + id).length <= 0) return;
$("body > div#dlg" + id).remove();
$("body > div[class~='modal-backdrop']").remove();
$("body > div[class~='modal'][role='dialog']").remove();
$("body > div[class~='modal-backdrop']").remove();
ShowToast:function(id, title, message, is_big){
if ($("body > div#" + id).length > 0) return;
var html = "";
html += "<div class=\"modal fade\" id=\"" + id + "\" tabindex=\"-1\" role=\"dialog\" aria-labelledby=\"" + id + "Label\" aria-hidden=\"true\">";
html += " <div class=\"modal-dialog" + ((is_big)? " modal-lg" : "") + "\">";
html += " <div class=\"modal-content\">";
html += " <div class=\"modal-header\">";
html += " <button type=\"button\" class=\"close\" data-dismiss=\"modal\" aria-hidden=\"true\">&times;</button>";
html += " <strong class=\"modal-title\" id=\"" + id + "Label\">" + title + "</strong>";
html += " </div>";
html += " <div class=\"modal-body\">" + message + "</div>";
html += " <div class=\"modal-footer\">";
html += " <button type=\"button\" class=\"btn btn-default\" data-dismiss=\"modal\">Close</button>";
html += " </div>";
html += " </div>";
html += " </div>";
html += "</div>";
$("#" + id).modal('show');
$("#" + id).on('hide.bs.modal', function(){
$("body > div[id='" + id + "']").remove();
$("body > div[class~='modal-backdrop']").remove();

2018/01/httpweb.cs Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,168 @@
using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Net;
using System.Text;
using System.Windows.Forms;
namespace RyzStudio.Net
public class HttpWeb
public string defaultUserAgent = "Momozilla/5.0 (" + Environment.OSVersion.Platform.ToString() + " ; " + Environment.OSVersion.VersionString + "; " + Application.CurrentCulture.TwoLetterISOLanguageName + ")";
public int defaultTimeout = 6000;
public int defaultMaxRedirect = 8;
public bool defaultAllowRedirect = true;
public CookieContainer defaultCookierContainer = null;
public HttpWeb()
public HttpWebRequest CreateRequest(string url)
return this.CreateRequest(url, url);
public HttpWebRequest CreateRequest(string url, string referrerURL)
if (defaultCookierContainer == null)
defaultCookierContainer = new CookieContainer();
HttpWebRequest webRequest = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(url);
webRequest.CachePolicy = new System.Net.Cache.RequestCachePolicy(System.Net.Cache.RequestCacheLevel.NoCacheNoStore);
webRequest.MaximumAutomaticRedirections = defaultMaxRedirect;
webRequest.CookieContainer = defaultCookierContainer;
webRequest.UserAgent = defaultUserAgent;
webRequest.AllowAutoRedirect = defaultAllowRedirect;
webRequest.Timeout = defaultTimeout;
return webRequest;
public int GetResponse(out string sourceCode, string url, string referrerURL = "")
HttpWebRequest webRequest = this.CreateRequest(url, referrerURL);
return GetResponse(out sourceCode, webRequest);
public int GetResponse(out string sourceCode, HttpWebRequest webRequest)
sourceCode = string.Empty;
int rv = 0;
HttpWebResponse webResponse = (HttpWebResponse)webRequest.GetResponse();
rv = (int)webResponse.StatusCode;
StreamReader readContent = new StreamReader(webResponse.GetResponseStream());
sourceCode = readContent.ReadToEnd();
webResponse = null;
catch (WebException xc)
if (xc.Response is HttpWebResponse)
HttpWebResponse rs = xc.Response as HttpWebResponse;
StreamReader readContent = new StreamReader(rs.GetResponseStream());
if (readContent != null)
sourceCode = readContent.ReadToEnd();
rv = (int)rs.StatusCode;
rv = (int)xc.Status;
sourceCode = xc.Message;
catch (Exception xc)
sourceCode = xc.Message;
return rv;
public static HttpWebRequest AddBasicAuthentication(HttpWebRequest webRequest, string username, string password)
webRequest.Headers["Authorization"] = "Basic " + Convert.ToBase64String(Encoding.Default.GetBytes(string.Concat(username, ":", password)));
webRequest.PreAuthenticate = true;
return webRequest;
public int GetPOSTResponse(out string sourceCode, HttpWebRequest webRequest, string postData)
sourceCode = "";
int rv = 0;
byte[] buffer = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(postData);
webRequest.ContentLength = buffer.Length;
Stream dataStream = webRequest.GetRequestStream();
dataStream.Write(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);
catch (Exception xc)
sourceCode = xc.Message;
return rv;
return this.GetResponse(out sourceCode, webRequest);
public int GetHeader(out WebHeaderCollection headerCollection, string url, string referrerURL = "")
headerCollection = null;
int rv = 0;
HttpWebRequest webRequest = this.CreateRequest(url, referrerURL);
webRequest.Method = "HEAD";
HttpWebResponse webResponse = (HttpWebResponse)webRequest.GetResponse();
headerCollection = webResponse.Headers;
rv = (int)webResponse.StatusCode;
webResponse = null;
catch (WebException xc)
if (xc.Response is HttpWebResponse)
HttpWebResponse rs = xc.Response as HttpWebResponse;
rv = (int)rs.StatusCode;
rv = (int)xc.Status;
catch (Exception xc)
// do nothing
return rv;

2019/02/Docxument.cs Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,248 @@
using ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.Zip;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Security;
using System.Text;
namespace HiImRay
public class Docxument
protected string Filename { get; set; }
public int CompressionLevel { get; set; } = 9;
public Dictionary<string, string> ReplacementWords = new Dictionary<string, string>();
public Dictionary<string, List<Dictionary<string, string>>> ReplacementParagraphs = new Dictionary<string, List<Dictionary<string, string>>>();
public Docxument()
public Docxument(string filename)
public void Load(string filename)
this.Filename = filename;
public void Save(string saveFilename)
int size = 2048;
byte[] buffer = new byte[size];
int bufferSize = 0;
// read file
ZipEntry readEntry = null;
ZipInputStream readStream = new ZipInputStream(File.OpenRead(this.Filename));
// write file
ZipOutputStream writeStream = new ZipOutputStream(File.Create(saveFilename));
// loop
while (true)
readEntry = readStream.GetNextEntry();
if (readEntry == null)
if (!readEntry.IsFile)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(readEntry.Name))
// change document
if (readEntry.Name.Equals("word/document.xml"))
MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream();
buffer = new byte[size];
bufferSize = 0;
bufferSize = readStream.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);
ms.Write(buffer, 0, bufferSize);
} while (bufferSize > 0);
ms.Position = 0;
StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(ms);
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
// make changes
sb = replaceTokens(sb, this.ReplacementWords);
sb = replaceParagraphs(sb, this.ReplacementParagraphs);
// make readable
MemoryStream ms2 = new MemoryStream(System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(sb.ToString()));
ms2.Position = 0;
// write new document xml
writeStream.PutNextEntry(new ZipEntry(readEntry.Name));
buffer = new byte[size];
bufferSize = 0;
bufferSize = ms2.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);
writeStream.Write(buffer, 0, bufferSize);
} while (bufferSize > 0);
writeStream.PutNextEntry(new ZipEntry(readEntry.Name));
buffer = new byte[size];
bufferSize = 0;
bufferSize = readStream.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);
writeStream.Write(buffer, 0, bufferSize);
} while (bufferSize > 0);
protected StringBuilder replaceTokens(StringBuilder sb, Dictionary<string, string> options)
foreach (KeyValuePair<string, string> item in options)
sb.Replace("{{" + item.Key + "}}", SecurityElement.Escape(item.Value));
return sb;
protected StringBuilder replaceParagraphs(StringBuilder sb, Dictionary<string, List<Dictionary<string, string>>> options)
foreach (KeyValuePair<string, List<Dictionary<string, string>>> item in options)
sb = replaceParagraph(sb, item);
return sb;
protected StringBuilder replaceParagraph(StringBuilder sb, KeyValuePair<string, List<Dictionary<string, string>>> options)
string paragraph = sb.ToString();
Tuple<int, int> outerCoord = getOuterParagraph(paragraph, "{{" + options.Key + "}}");
if (outerCoord != null)
sb.Remove(outerCoord.Item1, outerCoord.Item2);
Tuple<int, int> innerCoord = getInnerParagraph(paragraph.Substring(outerCoord.Item1, outerCoord.Item2), "{{" + options.Key + "}}");
string innerParagraph = paragraph.Substring((innerCoord.Item1 + outerCoord.Item1), innerCoord.Item2);
StringBuilder innerText = new StringBuilder();
foreach (Dictionary<string, string> row in options.Value)
StringBuilder sb2 = new StringBuilder();
sb2 = replaceTokens(sb2, row);
sb.Insert(outerCoord.Item1, innerText.ToString());
return sb;
protected Tuple<int, int> getOuterParagraph(string fullText, string findTerm)
string headTerm = "<w:p ";
string tailTerm = "</w:p>";
int headIndex = fullText.IndexOf(findTerm);
if (headIndex < 0)
return null;
int tailIndex = fullText.IndexOf(findTerm, (headIndex + findTerm.Length));
if (tailIndex < 0)
return null;
headIndex = fullText.LastIndexOf(headTerm, headIndex);
if (headIndex < 0)
return null;
tailIndex = fullText.IndexOf(tailTerm, (tailIndex + tailTerm.Length));
if (tailIndex < 0)
return null;
tailIndex += tailTerm.Length;
return new Tuple<int, int>(headIndex, (tailIndex - headIndex));
protected Tuple<int, int> getInnerParagraph(string fullText, string findTerm)
string headTerm = "<w:p ";
string tailTerm = "</w:p>";
int headIndex = fullText.IndexOf(findTerm);
if (headIndex < 0)
return null;
int tailIndex = fullText.IndexOf(findTerm, (headIndex + findTerm.Length));
if (tailIndex < 0)
return null;
headIndex = fullText.IndexOf(tailTerm, headIndex);
if (headIndex < 0)
return null;
headIndex += tailTerm.Length;
tailIndex = fullText.LastIndexOf(headTerm, tailIndex);
if (tailIndex < 0)
return null;
return new Tuple<int, int>(headIndex, (tailIndex - headIndex));